Download The App
Download The App
Check the instructions for your device below and download the SoPlayer app.
Enter Your Credentials
Check your email for login details or you enter the username/password or pin code along with Provider ID 455 into the app
Watch Blargh Now
Watch all of the IPTV Channels and movies/tvshows that Blargh Entertainment Provides Now!
Go to the settings tab from your home on the Firestick.
Click on "My Fire TV"
Go To Developer Options
Make sure both ADB Debugging and Allow Apps From Unkown Sources are enabled.
Go back to home and search for the app called "Downloader"
Enter the link: http://app.soplayer.ca/soplayer.apk
Once entered it should start downloading.
Install the app and put in the necessary information
Install the Soplayer app on your IOS device right from the App Store.
Go To Apple App Store and Search For "SoPlayer"
Find The App and Begin Downloading It.
Open It and Use The Info Provided To You.
If you have Google Play on your phone use PlayStore button to download our app. Android boxes can use this downloader. Click the button to automatically download our app.
Go to your browser and enter the following link
Once the link is entered in your browser, the file should Immediately begin installing on your mac.
Go to your browser and enter the following link
Once the link is entered in your browser, the file should Immediately begin installing on your pc.
LG Smart TV
Start By Installing the webOS 2.0 operating system
Steps For Downloading App on LG Smart TV
Samsung Smart TV
The Soplayer app can be load on samsung smart tv models UKS7500, UKS7000, UKU6500, UKU6400, UKU6300, UKU6000, UK6200, UK5500. UKS9500, UKS9000, UKS8500, UKS8000
Steps For Downloading App on Samsung Smart TV
Set Top Box
Steps For Loading IPTV Subscription on your STB
Don't miss out on various pay-per-view events. You wont be disappointed.
Register new user and choose free trial on checkout.
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